Focus Magazine Reviews Janet Devlin’s Debut Album ‘Running With Scissors’

Focus Magazine has reviewed Janet Devlin’s debut album Running With Scissors, in which they gave the album 4 stars out of 5. In the review, Focus Magazine discusses tracks off of Running With Scissors, including “House of Cards,” ” Friday I’m In Love,” and “Whisky Lullabies.” You can read some of the review below, but make sure you head over to Focus Magazine to read the full review.

Check out what Focus Magazine had to say about their favorite track off of Janet’s album Running With Scissors:

My personal favorite, and the album’s biggest surprise, is Devlin’s cover of The Cure’s “Friday I’m In Love.” It’s a song I’ve loved for years and her bright voice does it justice while simultaneously putting her own spin on it.

Another track the magazine focused on was the closing number “Whisky Lullabies.” “Whisky Lullabies,” is a slow ballad that sounds like a song being played straight out of a music box. Her hushed voice fits elegantly with the crescendo of drums and strings. While the song is much different from the others in terms of sound, it still succeeds in tying everything together,” says Focus Magazine.

“Whether you’re in a relationship or not, the songs on this album are relatable and interesting. With the help from a few co-writers, Janet’s music has continued to develop and mature over the years, and this album displays that growth beautifully. Her voice is refreshing and provides something new, and I definitely think this is a record that should be listened to at least once.”

Janet’s Running With Scissors is available now on our webstoreiTunesAmazon, Google Play and at music retailers nationwide. The album is also available for streaming on Spotify and Bandcamp. Check out our exclusive Janet Devlin merchandise in our webstore.

You can read Focus Magazine’s full album review here

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